
Featured Challenge:
#176 — Buffon's Needle

How do toothpicks approximate the value of pi? I'll show you by coding a simulation in p5.js!

mar 14, 2023

Buffon's Needle

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physics engine

An attempt to implement the basic mechanics of Angry Birds in JavaScript using p5.js and the matter.js physics engine.

Angry Birds with Matter.js

In this two part challenge, I cover beginShape(), endShape(), and texture(), TRIANGLE_STRIP, QUAD_STRIP, and more. I combine these geometry functions with the Toxiclibs physics library to simulate a waving flag (with a unikitty image texture!)

Texturing Cloth Simulation

I love all things random and chance so why not make a Plink simulation with the matter.js physics engine and p5.js!

Plinko with Matter.js