
Featured Challenge:
#176 — Buffon's Needle

How do toothpicks approximate the value of pi? I'll show you by coding a simulation in p5.js!

mar 14, 2023

Buffon's Needle

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Happy Pi Day 2024! In this video, I attempt to create an Apollonian Gasket using the Descartes Circle Theorem and complex numbers. So many circles!

Apollonian Gasket

How do toothpicks approximate the value of pi? I'll show you by coding a simulation in p5.js!

Buffon's Needle

Happy Pi Day! How many delicious digits of Pi can you catch from the sky? In JavaScript!

Pi in the Sky Game

In this coding challenge, I use the Leibniz formula (aka infinite series) to approximate the digits of Pi and graph the convergence.

Leibniz Formula for Pi

In yet another “Pi Day” coding challenge, I attempt to generate a pdf “Book of Pi” with the first 10 million digits of Pi mapped to color. Processing (Java) is used for this project.

The Book of Pi