
Featured Challenge:
#176 — Buffon's Needle

How do toothpicks approximate the value of pi? I'll show you by coding a simulation in p5.js!

mar 14, 2023

Buffon's Needle

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It's Genuary 2024! Watch as I attempt to build a falling sand simulation in p5.js using a grid of pixels and simple rules.

Falling Sand

Let's make a slide puzzle in p5.js together! We'll be using images, nested loops, and arrays, and by the end of our journey, we'll have a fully playable game!

Slide Puzzle

In this video, I follow Mike Ash’s guide to Fluid Simulation and port Jos Stam’s "Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games" algorithm and code in Processing (Java).

Fluid Simulation

In this coding challenge, I implement a pixel-based “fire” algorithm using Processing (Java).

Fire Effect

In this coding challenge, I attempt to simulate 2D water ripples using Processing (Java).

2D Water Ripple

In this multi-part coding challenge, I demonstrate how to use a circle packing algorithm.

Circle Packing

In this coding challenge, I implement “Pixel Sorting” in Processing (Java). Using a “selection sort” algorithm, I sort the pixels of an image by brightness and hue.

Pixel Sorting in Processing