👁#142 — Rubik's CubeCan I build an interactive 3D Rubik's cube in Processing? Yes! Someday I hope to return to this project and add an AI solver!apr 01, 2019apr 01, 2019
👁#113 — 4D Hypercube (aka 'Tesseract')In this coding challenge, I visualize a 4D Hypercube (aka "Tesseract") in Processing (Java).aug 22, 2018aug 22, 2018
👁#112 — 3D Rendering with Rotation and ProjectionCan I draw and rotate a 3D cube using Processing's 2D renderer with just some math?!?! Yes! Watch to learn more about rotation and projection matrices along with perspective and orthographic projection!aug 21, 2018aug 21, 2018