In this multi-part coding challenge, I take a closer look at the Quick, Draw! dataset and create a simple node API to "replay" drawings of rainbows and cats using p5.js.
In this coding challenge, I visualize the RecamΓ‘nβs number sequence using the p5.js library and go on to generate a series of musical tones using p5.js sound.
The artist BeesandBombs makes amazing algorithmic looping GIFs! Here's my attempt to recreate one of my favorite GIFs in JavaScript with p5.js and the WEBGL renderer.
In this coding challenge, I attempt to create a version of the classic one-line Commodore 64 BASIC program in JavaScript using p5.js. This coding challenge is inspired by the book 10 PRINT.
In this coding challenge, I make a "Wikipedia web crawler" in JavaScript. It randomly crawls from topic to topic on Wikipedia using the API and the p5.js library.
In this two part challenge, I implement the Breadth-First Search algorithm in JavaScript. My demo application is "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" (finding the closest relationship between Kevin Bacon and another actor).
In this video, I use the p5.js library to create a web-based countdown timer. I discuss the native JavaScript method setInterval() and well as p5βs millis().
This multi-part coding challenge is part of the first week of my course: "Intelligence and Learning." Here I attempt to implement a classic data structure: The Binary Search Tree.
In this coding challenge, I look at extracting font path points from text in p5.js with p5.Font.textToPoints(). I render the text as particles with steering behaviors that react to the mouse.
In this coding challenge, I visualize earthquake data from the USGS by mapping the latitude, longitude and the magnitude of earthquakes with p5.js. The map imagery is pulled from mapbox and the math demonstrated converts latitude, longitude to x,y via Web Mercator.
In this multi-part coding challenge, I attempt an implementation of the A* Pathfinding Algorithm to find the optimal path between two points in a 2D grid.