Saturday / Mar 15th, 20253/15/2025

#166 — Image to ASCII

Nebula logo

Let's make ASCII art in p5.js together! In this video, I demonstrate a variety of techniques for translating the pixels of an image into text and finish with rendering video as text ASCII characters in a DOM.

  • Editing

    by Mathieu Blanchette

  • Animations

    by Jason Heglund

Passenger Showcase

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Suggested by the video you're watching

"Floyd-Steinberg Dithering" challenge

In this coding challenge, I attempt to implement the Floyd-Steinberg Dithering algorithm and create a "image stippling" effect on an image (kitten, of course) using Processing.

"Slitscan Time Displacement Effect" challenge

In this video I explore the wonders of the copy() function in the creative coding platform Processing, simulating slitscan photography and bending time itself! This video is thanks to Tim Rodenbröker’s generous donation to The Processing Foundation!